A perennial back bencher throughout life, it was a bit of trauma when I ended up in the front row of a cramped classroom, with the teachers desk only a yard plus away. Coupled with that, this kid sat next to me, who was a trial and a half. He never stopped being incredibly happy.
In the junior school of Karachi Grammar School, in those years, we had these old 1930s benches (1930s because it had carved on it, X loves Y, 193x), with two attached desks cobbled to the bench. Effectively, you shared one long desk with the person next to you and that happened to be ‘the happy individual’. Ramiz Allawala from then on, for almost fifty years, remained a happy part of my existence.
So this was Junior School and through that year, it did not matter if the tests were tough, or the results bad, or Pakistan lost in hockey or cricket. Ramiz was always happy! He just laughed and smiled at everything and had no other mood swings. Even for under tens like us (who were generally optimistic and with few hang ups) this was a difficult one to handle. I must have stared at him hundreds of times and considered how to take that smile off his lips. But, I am so glad to say, that I did not succeed then, or in the ensuing years.
Yes, there was one occasion when I saw him serious, but that was not my doing. It was a particular showdown with our Principal, in our last year at school. Both Ramiz and myself were House Captains and we had been summoned and given a set down. Surprisingly, Ramiz was vocal during that meeting and it showed a particular fighting quality in him, which resurfaced at various times in his life.
We came back to Pakistan in the 1980s, after our studies, as did most of our class (this was usual in those days). It was a great bonding period for us friends. Early careers, unmarried and fairly care-free. It was around this time that Ramiz showed another part of his personality about which we were totally unaware. He started speaking and spoke about things, which never in a thousand years we could imagine floated in that happy brain. He spoke about spirituality, about sincerity, about doing the right things and more importantly about how to make life happen.
Over the years Ramiz reached out to thousands. Some for free, some as part of his new profession. He became articulate and respected, inspired other people, helped change lives, but still never lost his grassroots or his happiness. We saw less of him, as he traveled and eventually settled abroad, but whenever we met, it was like sitting on that desk and bench in school almost fifty years ago. That connect with ground reality, what we were and where we came from never left us. It was always an emotional experience meeting him, sadly only once in a while.
When our childhood friend Ramiz Allawala arrived back home at Jinnah Terminal, a dozen of us went to receive him. It was no ordinary homecomIng. He had bravely chosen to walk away from a one year fight with late stage colon cancer. His decision to come home to family and friends was a decision of faith and love. It was a decision which said there are more important things in life than mere existence. Love, friendship, loyalty and home are perennial and count for more. A wish to be buried in your soil is a strong attraction for us humans. To see a man supremely fit (he used to do tens of laps of the pool regularly) at almost half his size, shrunken, eyes glassy and cheeks sunken in was a shock and emotions and tears flowed freely. But, we are glad that Ramiz got his final wish to die with all of us and to celebrate a life which in passing was wonderful, warm, giving and happy.
When you have known someone that long, his death is like a part of the self is afflicted.
There are so many of you out there who interacted with him and benefitted from his time, words and sincerity. It is time to return that hard work of a well spent life. Send some gratitude back towards him.
Please pray that Allah (swt) grant him maghfirat and Jannah. Ameen.
إِنَّا لِـلّٰـهِ وَإِنَّآ إِلَيْهِ رَاجِعُوْنَ
This is life... The greatest people walked the earth are no more.
"*Every soul will taste death, and you will only be given your [full] compensation on the Day of Resurrection. So he who is drawn away from the Fire and admitted to Paradise has attained [his desire]. And what is the life of this world except the enjoyment of delusion*". 3:185
May Allah do Ramiz bhai mughfirah and place him in Jannat Ul Firdaus. Grant his family and friends courage to bear this huge loss.
Indeed it is a big loss for all, but a gain too, a reminder, to start preparing for our final destination. Besides learning a lot during his time here, we must also learn from his death.
May Allah reward him with the greatest bounties of Jannah for touching so many minds and hearts around him.
It didn't take very long to know that you had come across someone special when you met Ramiz. Even in a session of 30-40 people, you would have his personal attention- it's the way he remembered your name, followed up on the problem you had discussed last time you met him...that genuine smile, the way he observed people, and highlighted their strengths. In my last training with him, he put the core agenda aside, to lecture us on the importance of a healthy lifestyle. 'Start your day early' he said. Then he made us all get up and stretch for 15 minutes. I remember him avoiding the creamy salad at lunch that day. It was a good day. It always was with Ramiz. May Allah give his family and friends Sabr- and may he be swimming in the rivers of paradise as we speak.
Ameen and well put.
What a loss! May God bless his soul and make his journey easier.
Here's my question though SAR (and I wish I had asked Ramiz this when I had the chance) : How DOES one become so happy? How does one remain so upbeat and positive - and not in an artificial way but rather inherently and innately positive? What was his secret?
My dear Hammad, hope you are happy where you are just now :). I cannot answer for Ramiz, his account is closed unfortunately. For myself, the formula is simple. What s my rizq will come my way, whatever anyone does...anyone other than Allah! So then why worry, why be scared, why stress. Taste the flavour of life and think of it as an adventure. This is naturally not a 100% game. Sometimes one fails and feels a bit bad, but then one moves on. Make this a part of your psyche. Read Ale Imran 26:27 (03:26-27) or 65:3. It puts our life's efforts into perspective. Total trust bears serenity and calm. Tc
Thank you SAR. Thank you very much :)
I cannot imagine what its like losing a childhood friend. I hope you and all those close to Ramiz find peace. I guess sometimes the best eulogy for someone is to live with their teachings and thoughts in your mind. Thank you once again for replying.
إِنَّا لِـلّٰـهِ وَإِنَّآ إِلَيْهِ رَاجِعُوْنَ
Very well written SAR
Ramiz was a special person. He did the noble thing of improving the lives of other in an excellent way. He spent his time well in this world's life and I am sure he will do better in the next life.
Life is like a travel and as like with other travels it has to come to an end with entry to the next world. May Allah accept Ramiz's efforts and give him status of Aala Ili-een Aameen
Now kindly read the ayats as instructed so you achieve happiness.
Ameen. And yes life and death and after life are like a path. We all have a o follow this route, with no exceptions at all.
Ramiz buddy I just never knew how brave you could be. Farewell, my friend. Sure a candle has been lit up in heaven!!!
Inna Lillahe Wa Inna Ellaihe Rajaeoun!!!
“My candle burns at both ends;
It will not last the night;
But ah, my foes, and oh, my friends—
It gives a lovely light!”
― Edna St. Vincent Millay, A Few Figs from Thistles
I wrote that one too when I learnt from a post from Azeez that he is no more ---- It is so true for him---" I lit my candle at both ends ,
It didnt pass the night ...yes and his light had inspired all those who met him . He was a smiling Ramiz always and perhaps he understood from childhood and acquired the sense to smile . Allah also gave him time so that he could make all his family and friends prepared for this eventuality and he smiled and was ever so alive in all this time as well But who can be prepared for this passing away . He was like Insha whose company would be such a delight for all his friends , will always be ..such a garden of so many beautiful people and he was like the morning breeze touching and passing through this garden with fragrance of all filled in one .
As we lowered him in the ground in his final resting place , I said without speaking ... Ramiz said poetically Home " I have no less love for Ceaser but I love Rome more " when he was being asked not to go back , I said at the time in my mind while we were lowering him in the ground in his final resting place --Ramiz Welcome Home !
But Karachi seems at a loss and poorer without him
Ye Kis Ne Kaha Tum Kooch Karo ?
Baatein Na Banao INSHA JEE,
Ye Shehar Tumhara Apna Hai,
Ise Chorr Na Jao INSHA JEE,
Jitne Bhi Yahan K Baasi Hain,
Sub K Sub Tum Se Pyar Karein,
Kaya In Se Bhi Mun,h Phero Ge ?
Ye Zulam Na Dhao INSHA JEE,
Kaya Soch K Tum Ne Seenchi Thi ?
Ye Kesar Kiyaari Chaahat Ki ?
Tum Jin Ko Hansaane Aaye The,
Un Ko Na Rulao INSHA JEE,
Tum Lakh Siyaahat K Ho Dhani,
Ik Baat Hamari Bhi Mano,
Koi Jaa K Jahan Se Aata Nahi,
Us Des Na Jao INSHA JEE,
Bikhraate Ho Sona Hurafoun Ka,
Tum Chaandi Jese Kaaghaz Par,
Phir In Mein Apne Zakhamoon Ka,
Mat Zehar Milao INSHA JEE,
Ik Raat To Kaya Wo Hashar Talak,
Rakhe Gi Khula Darwaaze Ko,
Kab Lot K Tum Ghar Aao Ge ?
Sajni Ko Batao INSHA JEE,
Nahi Siraf Azeez Ki Baat Yahan,
Kahein Kooki Hai Kahein Sarfaraz bhi Hai,
Tum Apne Puraane Yaaroon Se,
Daman Na Churrao INSHA JEE....
LOVE YOU RAMIZ ----- THANKS FOR A LOVELY FRIENDSHIP , YOUR CARE AND LOVE ! Vaqar Ahmad Khan --- ( summer pso in face book )
Inna Lillahe Wa Inna Ellaihe Rajaeoun.
I still can not believe he is no more but Alas..
May Allah rest his soul in peace.
May Allah bless his Soul ....
On of his professional friends said that he will carry on his mission . he said it with so much conviction, that i am sure he will do it
God Bless His Soul ..... Already in Heaven I am sure
I am happy to see that dear Ramiz inspired so many people to speak so eloquently and unstintingly about him . He must have been a lovely person. May he rest happily in a well earned eternal peace.I pray that his family are able to accept this great loss with courage . Adi Viccaji.
Thank you Sarfaraz for your write up on Ramiz.Even though I knew him only at school, I remember him well; gentle,charming and always smiling. An excellent swimmer, may he indeed be swimming in the rivers of Paradise. May Allah Bless his departed soul.
انا لله وانا اليه راجعون
Each word ... just touched my heart and soul .... Ramizallahwala uncle how we all reflect your love and person .... it's amazing .... you live in our hearts ... you touched many souls and you made a difference .... the way you lived and the way you said good bye till we meet again inshaaAllah ..... it's all the depiction of Almighty 's Love for you .... Almighty made you with Love , You were Love and You left only Love behind you ... in Million Hearts❤️
Jazakumullah khair for writing this Sir ... Almighty bless everyone ... He was the man of the Match of His Story, A hero , an example and A power .... which connected all of us on single point that we all LOVE him ...my Best Regards Ramizallahwala uncle ... please accept them and our Lots of love and Duas ....
may Almighty bless you with the best of everything in Heavens and may Almighty bless you with High ranks in Jannatul firdous and you may remain always in His aafiyat Aameen sum Aameen .... and your beautiful family may remain at peace by sensing and feeling the acceptance of our humble supplications Ameen sum Aameen ❤️��������������
My All Love and Prayers
Komal Malik
May Allah bless his soul. I cant digest the death of person having such a healthy life style due to cancer. He was the master his craft. I remeber he gave us 40 Qul in one of his workshop as gift. He always used to add more value than expected. May all give him more than he deserved.Ameen
Ameen sum aamen
What beautiful tribute to a beautiful human being. May Allah grant him a place in Jannah. He will live in our memories and hearts always.Inna lillahe wa inna ilayhe rajeoun.
May Allah grant him jannat ul firdous. I still have his booklet of Rabbana ayats that he gave us in a traning session. A brave man A good human being.
Ameen. There is a tribute to him tomorrow. Sadly on his birthday, but that is the will of Allah.
انا لله وانا اليه راجعون
I describe Ramiz Allawala as an honest & humble person. He was not only an outstanding professional but also a person with high ethics.
I met him only once in Karachi at his residence in Clifton but impression of his good & charming personality are never forgettable. I always wanted to meet him again.
"LEADER"....Someone who helps others achieve their objectives...Ramiz Allawala
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